omg love this <3

Chuck: Well this is the last place i’d expect to find you.
Blair: Go away Chuck! I’ve been given orders from practically god himself to avoid you.
Chuck: Would you consider avoiding me over breakfast?
Blair: Sorry. But as it’s tradition on the day before my birthday i’m heading to the jewelers to put some pieces on hold for Eleanor and Na-
Chuck: Nate? Oh, I don’t think he’ll be singing happy birthday this year.
Blair: No one knows that Nate and I broke up, and it’s going to stay that way so I can fix this. And I don’t think your best friend would still be your best friend if he knew.
Chuck: If he knew how much I enjoyed the removal of a certain chastity belt in the back of this very limo?
Blair: From this moment forward the events of last night will never be mentioned again, is that clear?
Chuck: Not as clear as the memory of you purring in my ear which I have been replaying over, and over.
Blair: Well erase the tape! Because as far as i’m concerned it never happened.


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